Submit Application
You are welcome to submit an online application (links below). You will
receive an email with all needed information to complete the registration
process. Exact dates to open registration will be announced via school website
and Instagram.
Admission Testing
We will administer admission tests to all new incoming students. Tests are
scheduled through appointments and may include an interview.
Admission testing for new incoming PreK, KG1 and KG2 students will consist
of the readiness checklist; for Grades 1 and above an assessment of reading
and math, and writing abilities in both English and Arabic.
Testing will take place before any admission decision is made. The Admission
Committee will review the application materials and the results of the
admission testing and will make a decision regarding acceptance.
Procedures for Enrollment/Admission/Registration for new students
- Completed application form
- Two photographs (4 cm x6 cm)
- Original and copy of student’s birth certificate
- Original and copy of student’s civil ID
- Original and copy of student passport and residency copy for (non-kuwaitis)
- Original and copy of student passport (kuwaitis)
- Original and copy of report card (grades) for the last two years
- Guardian’s/Father’s Civil ID with copy
- Father’s Nationality (Kuwaitis only) with copy
- Father’s Passport and residency (Non Kuwaitis only) with copy
Post Acceptance
Please bring the following documents:
- Health file
- Transfer Certificate
- Clearance Certificate
For students transferring from school’s abroad
Please bring:
- Previous report cards authenticated by Kuwait embassy.
For more information about the Admissions procedures
Please contact the school Registrars:
- Phone: (+965) 22268910
- KG-Grade 3:
Ext: 147
- Grade 4-12: Ext: 105