Assessments and Evaluation
Every student should be provided with many opportunities to achieve in each marking period both formally and informally. Evaluation may include assessments, quizzes, class work, center work, projects, activities, notebooks, portfolios, presentation and any suitable means applied by the teachers.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued three times a year for all students from 1-5. This is every 12 weeks. Progress reports may be sent home or phone calls made to indicate student’s success or weaknesses by mid-marking period. In addition to scheduled conferences, parents are encouraged to contact the classroom teacher through the reception, when necessary. For the final report in June, students must return all textbooks and stories to the classroom teacher before they will be allowed to receive their report.
Student’s attainment is evaluated according to the following numeric scale:
Grade 1-3 Grading System
These grades are calculated according to the continuous assessments, class work, projects, and participation of the students.
Grading Scale |
A |
90 - 100 |
B |
80 - 89 |
C |
70 - 79 |
D |
60 - 69 |
U |
0 - 59 |
Effort |
V |
Very Good |
G |
Good |
S |
Satisfactory |
N |
Need Improvement |
Promotion will be based on student attainment in core subjects (Languages, Science, Math, Social Studies) students may retain a grade when school believes to be of benefit to the student. Parents may be recommended to transfer their child to another school if he /she fails to meet the requirements of the next grade level.
Grade 4-5 Grading System
Grades 4-5 have a numerical grading system which is shown on the reports. 70% of the grades on the report card are based on continuous assessments such as tests, homework, classroom participation, projects, and assignments in each trimester. The remaining 30% is the trimester exam.