The purpose of the Student Handbook is to give students an understanding of the general rules and guidelines for attending and receiving an education in our school. Students should be aware that this document is reviewed annually since policy and procedure adoption is an ongoing process.
We teach from the perspective that all of us are creative beings, though not necessarily creating in the same way. We have high expectations for each student but we recognize that all of us learn, create, and express ideas in different ways. We encourage students to seek their unique creative mode and to interpret ideas in ways that most appeal to their own creative nature.
HUBS reinforces students’ thoughtful and responsible behavior in a variety of ways. It is essential for the home and school to support each other in order for children to be responsible and caring. We belong to violence and bully free school. Behaviors, both indoors and outside recess, need to comply with rules that make the school a safe and welcoming place for all students. We believe that at early ages, behaviors are often more a result of not yet knowing an appropriate alternative rather than being bad or breaking a rule. Teaching and modeling of good manners, safe and considerate behavior, class discussion, role-plays, reminders, redoing and consistency will help to promote good behavior. Therefore, in order to ensure the rights of everyone, as outlined above, the guidelines below should be followed without exception.
School day starts at 7:15 AM. Students may arrive between: 7:00 AM to 7:30 AM.
Teachers’ morning duty starts at 6:30; therefore, the school is not responsible for students arriving before that time.
There is an aftercare program that starts at 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM that includes a vast amount of activities.
The late room timings are from 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM. If the student is not picked up by 1:30 PM, after three late incidents the parents will have to enroll their child in the aftercare program.
It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that students arrive at school by 7:00 AM every day. This is the time when the teacher outlines the activities for the day, collects homework and other information, and prepares the children for the day.
Students arriving after 8:00 AM are marked tardy. The ideal time to arrive at school is before morning routine so the students can settle in for the day without rushing and missing the morning activities and warming up.
The children who arrive after 7:30 am, must be accompanied into the building and signed in by the adult driving them to school.
Any absence from school requires a written note from you or your doctor upon your child’s return to school. For safety reasons, call the reception to inform the absence of your child. Leaving school for part of the day is allowed only for physician appointments or family emergencies determined by the administration. A student who becomes ill and needs to leave the school should check through the medical care office. It is of great concern that each student be accounted for each day. Parental cooperation is appreciated.
In case of extended absence of the student, arrangement to obtain missed work should be done with the homeroom teacher.
We expect families to adhere to the school calendar. Every day at school is meaningful to our students.
Therefore, we expect family vacations will be planned according to the school calendar.
Students should attend in school uniform with comfortable indoor shoes. PE outfit should be worn for PE classes on PE days as shown in students’ schedule. Sports shoes are needed on PE days.
Various assemblies are sponsored throughout the school year. These assemblies can be related to the curriculum, expose students to cultural arts, teach an important life skill, and are a valuable part of the educational program. These assemblies will be announced in the school newsletter.
ommunication among administration, teachers, and parents is very important. Parents are encouraged to contact the teacher, if they have a question or comment. The teacher will return the call or set up a conference, as soon as possible, the teacher may be at class so cannot be excused to talk to you at school. For any classroom-based concern, the parent is expected to contact the teacher before contacting the principal. Scheduled parent conferences are to be held at the end of the first marking period.
Parents are to be informed in advance to make their arrangement and be prepared for the meeting. To keep an accurate record of the meetings between the parents and the teachers and all the strategies agreed upon, a form should be signed from both parties. The form is available at the reception area.
The school is a community where fundamental rights apply to all persons, students and staff, through-out the school day.
For the observance of these rights by members of any community, self-discipline is essential. Self-discipline develops and promotes responsible citizenship.
The administration and staff applies the following guidelines for the consistency of discipline. Decisions regarding disciplinary matters depend upon the following:
Students are to complete all homework and assignments.
Teachers will mark and grade homework and assignments.
Home assignments, an integral part of the learning process, extend and reinforce the learning experiences that occur in the classroom. Kindergarten students will be provided with activities to do at home which reflects the KG program. Reading to your child every night either in Arabic or English is an essential part of the learning process. Homework is to not be accepted for uninformed excuses.
Prizes and awards are to be given at the end of each term to excellence performance in core subjects, overall improvement, talented students and other criteria.
To maximize the instruction time, birthday parties are not allowed in school.
Students can bring a healthy small treat to their classmates, which can be distributed during snack time.
Please notify the main office immediately if there is a change in your address or telephone number.
Field trips are an extension of the curriculum and all students are expected to participate on the trips. Often there are follow-up lessons that directly relate to the field experience. Approval forms are to be sent to the parents prior to the trip to get the permission to join the trip.
We believe that gifts to staff members should be discouraged. A letter of appreciation from a student to his/her teacher is a more appropriate gesture. Contacting teachers should be only at school.
Students in all grades are capable of accepting responsibilities to assist in tidying their classroom and playground each day.
Parents and visitors are always welcome in our school. As a matter of security, all school doors are locked at all times. Therefore, parents must report to reception when entering or leaving the school building.
Students must not wear valuable jewelry or bring them to school. The school does not accept any responsibility in the event of a loss.
All classes have a daily lunch time break. Snacks should be healthy in nature. Fruits, vegetables, cheese, yogurt, crackers or a small juice are good choices. Food is available in the school canteen.
Student belongings (sweaters, jackets, lunch boxes, book bags, etc.) should be marked with the child’s full name and class. If something is lost, please check our Lost and Found area.